Recruiters will judge a candidate in the first 15 seconds of viewing their profile based off of their head shot alone. You want to make sure your professional social media is doing you justice! People always ask which head shot is recommended for a new LinkedIn profile or what type of head shots are appropriate for their new company website. I always say which ever setting makes you feel most comfortable will reflect the statement you wish to come across.
Head Shots
Clean & Professional
You can never go wrong with a crisp head shot over a simple backdrop. Let your professional prowess do the talking and put forward a polish look that will turn heads.
Personal & Iconic
Your personality can speak volumes and is one of the things people remember vividly upon first impression. With the world turning more digital by the day, it may be time to bring your personality to your online brand.
Fresh & Modern
You are more than just the collection of your professional work. Explore destination shots for your next bold marketing efforts and unlock new creative ways to brand your business.